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Duties include:


Historic properties/landmarks:  The Fresno County List of Historic Places was established to inventory all historic and prehistoric sites and structures whether or not those sites are currently listed in any registry program. The Historic Places application is for the use of individuals and organizations desiring to have historic sites and/or structures approved under the Fresno County List of Historic Places. The Commission advises the Board of Supervisors on property/landmark preservation and designation, maintains list, advises the Board of Supervisors on properties that might be added to the local, State and National registers of historic places, and coordinates with other agencies and organizations in the community as necessary to carry out the goal of historic preservation.

Centennial Businesses:  The Commission reviews applications for businesses in Fresno County that have been in operation for 100 or more years for inclusion on the list of Centennial Businesses.


Centennial Communities: The Commission annually reviews the list of Fresno County communities for inclusion in the Register of Centennial Communities. The Register of Centennial Communities lists communities existing in Fresno County for 100 years or more.


Centennial Farms:  The Commission reviews applications for farms in Fresno County that have been operational for 100 or more years for inclusion on the list of Centennial Farms.

Centennial Schools: The Commission reviews applications for schools, K-12, that have been in operation for at least 100 years.


Historic Records:  Fresno County has a Records Management program to manage inactive records, including indexing, storage, development of retention schedules, destruction of records, and protection of historic records. The proper destruction of records according to adopted retention schedules reduces future storage costs by lowering the volume of stored records. This process also ensures the proper and efficient retention and protection of the County's public records. The Historical Landmarks & Records Advisory Commission is responsible for evaluating the historical significance of records intended for destruction. This is an internal Fresno County process. County departments should review Fresno County Management Directives Section 430 - Destruction of Public Records for details about this process.

Markers and Sculptures in Historic Courthouse Park: The Commission reviews and advises the Board of Supervisors on the placement of markers and sculptures in historic Courthouse Park.

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